Newsletter 50/3 (June 2014)

1. Editorial 2. Preliminary Programme of the Linz Conference 2014: “ Work and Compulsion: Coerced Labour in Domestic, Service, Agricultural, Factory and Sex Work, ca. 1850-2000s (25-28 September 2014) 3. Decisions of the ITH Board 4. Report: 50th Anniversary of the...

Newsletter 50/2 (February 2014)

1. Editorial 2. Personalia 3. Announcement: 50th Anniversary of the ITH 4. Tagungsbericht: „History is Unwritten. Linke Geschichtspolitik und kritische Wissenschaft: Gestern, Heute und Morgen“ 5. Herbert Steiner Prize Winners 2013 6. Herbert Steiner Prize 2014:...