Herbert Steiner Prizes Winners 2009
Herbert Steiner Prizes 2009
Newsletter 45/3 (August 2009)
1. Program Linz Conference 2009 “Labour History beyond Borders: Concepts and Explorations” 2. New Members 3. Short Report: OAH-Conference, Seattle, March 2009 4. Events and Projects 5. New Publications Newsletter 45/3 (August 2009)René Kuczynski Prize 2009
René Kuczynski Prize Winner 2009
Newsletter 45/2 (May 2009)
1. Program Linz Conference 2009 “Labour History beyond Borders: Concepts and Explorations” 2. Proposal for a triennial Conference cycle 2010-2012 3. Call for Donations: Donations for ITH now deductible from tax 4. Submissions for the Herbert Steiner Prize...Conference of the Organization of American Historians (OAH)
26-28 March 2009, Seattle (USA)
45th Linz Conference: Labour History beyond Borders: Concepts and Explorations
10-13 September 2009, Linz