René Kuczynski Prize 2014
awarded to Matthias Judt for his book:
Der Bereich Kommerzielle Koordinierung: Das DDR-Wirtschaftsimperium des Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski – Mythos und Realität
Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag 2013, 304 pp., ISBN 978-3-86153-724-3
The awarding ceremony will take place within the opening of the ITH’s 50th Linz Conference on 25 September 2014 at the AK-Bildungshaus Jägermayrhof, Römerstraße 98, A-4020 Linz/ Austria.
Dr. Matthias Judt
Economic historian, research associate at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZFF). 1989 doctoral graduation from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; 1989/90 scientific assistant at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; 1990/91 research assistant at the Institute of Economic History, Berlin; 1992 research assistant at the University of Hannover; 1992-95 scientific assistant at the German Historical Institute in the USA; 1997-2001 scientific assistant at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg; 2002-2004 scientific assistant at the Sachenhausen Memorial; since 2005 at the ZZF. Research fields: Economic history of the GDR and FRG, consumer history of the USA.
emer. Prof. Gerhard Botz (Institute for Contemporary History, Vienna University)
Prof. Josef Ehmer (Institute for Economic and Social History, Vienna University)
Prof. Rüdiger Hachtmann (Berlin)
Prof. Jörg Roesler (Berlin)
Prof. Claudia Ulbrich (Friedrich Meinecke Institute, Dept. of History and Cultural Studies, FU Berlin)
Ass. Prof. Berthold Unfried (ITH & Institute for Economic and Social History, Vienna University)